Family: Urticaceae

Scientific Name: Pellionia pulchra

Common Name: Satin Pellionia

DescriptionA plant with colorful leaves and creeping stems. Likes warmer temperatures and higher humidity
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone11
Sunlightmoderate to bright, never direct
MoistureNeeds to be kept evenly moist. Needs higher humidity. I grow this plant on a saucer filled with pebbles which is filled with water.
Temperatureaverage house plus (warm) 65-80 degrees F
Leavesfleshy, elliptical, about 1-2 inches long, pale green marked with brown-black to dark green veins, new leaves are pale green with reddish veins
Stemsreddish fleshy and creeping or trailing
DimensionsA small to medium creeping or trailing plant.
MaintenanceAs the plants gets older and trails over the pot, lots of dead leaves are produced on the underside of the plant. I like to give a cleaning shake occasionally to remove the dead foliage.
Misc FactsNative to Burma, Vietnam and Malaysia growing as a creeper on the tropical forest floors. (pell-ee-OH-nee-uh)(pel-KRAH)
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf), #70-Indoor Plants (Courtuer and Clark)
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