Family: Begoniaceae

Scientific Name: Begonia rhizomatous

Common Name: Rhizomatous Begonia

DescriptionA large diverse group of Begonias that produce a thick rhizome, have diverse foliage patterns, shapes and many produce large flushes of flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Sunlightmoderate to bright
MoistureNever soggy or bone dry. Keep the plants evenly moist to slightly dry. Many need 50% or better humidity levels.
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage house
TemperaturePrefers 58-72 degrees F.
FlowersFlowers are produced on a branched raceme.
LeavesThe foliage is extremely diverse in leaf shape and color.
Propagationdivision of the rhizome, leaf petiole and partial leaf cuttings.
Author's NotesThe plants in the pictures are from the high school's greenhouse. I don't know how many times we divided and rooted this plant. A good plant to show the difference between male and female Begonia flowers. This unnamed plant (cultivar?) was a prolific bloomer.
Notes & ReferenceThe American Begonia Society (
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