Family: Paeoniaceae

Scientific Name: Paeonia tenufolia Rubra Flora Plena

Common Name: Double Fern Leaf Peony, Fern Leaf Peony


Double Fernleaf Peony (Paeonia tenifulia) A short Peony with double red flowers and ferny foliage.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightfull to partial shade, I have seen this growing in shaded areas that get some good sun, and they seem to do well
Soil & Siteprefers rich and moist, average
Temperaturehardy to at least -22 F
Flowersdouble brick red.
Fruitblack to brown seeds in a follicle
Leavesfinely dissected into many linear segments, ferny lasts late into the summer and then goes dormant
Rootsthick tuberous root
Dimensions20" tall by 18" spread
Propagationdivision in the fall, seeds are tough and need to be scratched (scarification) using sandpaper or file; the scarification allows for the water to enter the seed and requires warm cold stratification
Native SiteCaucasus
Misc FactsGenus name comes from the Greek name for Paeon, physician of the gods. The specific epithet means slender leaves about its fern-like leaves. (aka: Flore-Plena, Rubra Flore Pleno, Flore Pleno)
Author's NotesI have seen this Peony many times in Botanical Gardens, and the combination of the ferny foliage and red flowers makes for an outstanding plant. These are expensive plants, and if you buy some, more than likely, they are very small divisions and will take many years to reach flowering size.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website (, #163-The Genus Paeonia (Josef Halda, James Waddick)
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