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A leaf like structure arising from the stem of the flower and often appearing as being part of the flower. Bracts often occur when the flowers of the plant are insignificant. Many times bracts are very colorful, othertimes they will look just like green leaves. Plants such as Poinsettia, Crown of Thorns, Florida Dogwood, most Bromeliads have colorful bracts.

The Poinsettia has very colorful bracts that are mistakenly called flowers.
Vase Plants
The Vase Plant a large pink flower-like structure made up of bracts. The purple and red areas are the actual flowers
This perennial is called Donkey's Tail. The chartreuse leaf-like structures are the bracts
Lollipop Plant
The Lollipop-plant has a spike of golden yellow bracts.
This plant is called Crown of Thorns. The flower's petals are actualy bracts.
All images are copy righted by Perennial Landscapes